
Monday 4 June 2012

Black Sunday: June 3rd 2012

I am sure most people are aware of the bombing in the church at Bauchi (Nigeria) that killed 12 yesterday, the cargo plane crash in Accra (Ghana), and the Dana flight that crashed into a residential area in Lagos (Nigeria). A number of my non-Nigerian friends asked why a lot of people had the candle light as their display pictures and personal messages. It was indeed a black sunday as some people called it; so so sad because as much as some of us might not know anyone that died in the crash and bombing directly/personally; we are all still connected in a way -let's face it! We somehow, know someone who knows someone who knew someone who was a victim.  

I was having a conversation with my cousins and later on a friend. We spoke about both incidents and on how ludicrous and sad it is that most airlines that fly locally in Nigeria purchase second-hand airplanes. To be honest, this was merely a generalisation, because we have heard of similar being done in the past. However, the images shown last night on CNN only made it easier to think that way (that plane looked old). No word of a lie, I played the blame game. If we had a government that wasn't so selfish; if we had a government that didn't have their head up their a***s, then surely that plane crash could have been avoidable. I mean, in a country where security is a number one concern; where you go to church and you have to pray that your church is not the next to go up in flames.... all Mr.President can do is to wake up one Tuesday morning to declare a name change for several universities. Misplaced priorities dont you think? -you can't help but point fingers at first. 

Further thought on this, all I could do was ponder... "are WE any different from the so called government that I had earlier blamed?" This thought was fuelled by the number of social media messages I had seen. One of which pointed out that the same plane had been used twice but landed only by the grace of God (not going into details). Without mincing words, it is quite obvious that the average Nigerian is selfish. It is easy to blame our corruptible government by asking questions like why are written off planes allowed to leave the runways?!? *Recounting all other incidences of past mayhem*. 

It is clear and fair to say that someone (an individual) must have approved the buying of the aircraft and probably made some cash off it as well? Someone used that faulty plane some weeks ago, and probably thanked God they landed safe, gave a testimony wherever and carried on with life without as much as bothering to inform the necessary authorities, or potential future passengers of the state of the aircraft.

All I am saying is: 'as Nigerians we need to look out for each other'. For once, care about the next person not being overly concerned about whether or not they are our families, friends or tribesmen. We keep blaming the government, but the government is 'Nigerian' if that makes sense - It's a selfish individual like you and me. When last have you been willing to help another? Or know the consequences of something but decide to make that your own testimony and not another's? We sometimes fail each other without realising that it's because of our selfish intents. We need to know that change would not come to the government if the individual refuses change. It is not a lot to ask for because truly, we are the Nigerian government; we need to be accountable as well. 

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims, may God console and comfort you on every side. May all victims rest in God's peace


  1. Heal our land oh Lord. #PrayforNigeria

  2. So much religion, So little love! May God help Nigeria! Amen.

    May GOD rest the souls of all those who passed away on Sunday and comfort their families/friends on every side. AMEN

  3. It is you and I that can cause change, its time to ACT!

  4. It's a lot of different issues all put together. One thing is security of lives and then properties. another thing is having a government that cares. A plane crashes in a populated area of Lagos, (The most populated state in Nigeria and in fact Africa) the president shows up way over 24 hrs later only to sing the praises of his political party -at a site of sorrow! When the Joplin hurricane happened in Missouri, US, Pres. Obama was there within hours to speak with people and find out what's to be done.

    I have a lot to vent. I have way too much against the present governance that I fear i might have to give up my Nigerian identity. Who wants to identify with a country that does not care about its citizens.

    May God rest the souls of the innocent people who passed, may God grant their families the fortitude to bear the loss but I pray with all my heart that God will also give the useless leaders we have a taste of their own medicine.

  5. Here's just a general perspective, which isn't speaking to your blog. Do you believe that individually we are different from those who govern us? Hmmm! Food for thought! The collective will to do good, to care about each other, to develop a sense of nationhood is completely missing. Viola! - there is no sense of unism. What is incontrovertible is that we are not well governed (useless people in government); so let's put that aside for a second - it's the obvious isn't it? Yes, government officials are inept, corrupt and think about self before nation building, that's if at all. But, wait a minute, they aren't all from another planet; or are they?! They come from within us and represent a microcosym of the larger society. Have you ever wondered why is it that our image is so battered on account of scams/frauds home and abroad? The fraudsters and scammers amongst us are Nigerians doing this to other Nigerians and giving Nigeria a negative image. From within them (us) we produce leaders who simply perpetrate the evil that undermines our ability to achieve our potential. In truth, we are hypocrites. We seek, we pray, we lust and when we get what we want, we undermine our fellow beings. Aliens will not come from another planet to change Nigeria. We all should look in the mirror and ask the simple question: Am I the best Nigerian I can be? What have I done to uplift Nigeria lately? Please, we have enough prayer warriors; and as is evident, it ain't working because the evil is endemic. Be the best Nigerian you can be, and leave the rest!! Capice.

    1. Spot on...Spot on!

      Couldn't have been put any better. It only makes sense for us to take a look at ourselves in the mirror and make that change.

      Lol @ enough prayer warriors.

  6. it's disheartening how lives are wasted in Nigeria as a result of systemic failures and inept/egocentric regulatory authorities. there is a lot more i could write on this spate of events but i'd reserve them hoping this particular incident has served as a wake up call to those in power. I join you Ebony and millions of other Nigerians world over in grieving and mourning a very much unnecessary and avoidable loss.

  7. So sad...I pray there wouldn't be another episode like this in the future.
