
Sunday 30 June 2013

Torn !

My mum was only 16 when she got pregnant. I have always wondered what she was thinking when she let someone get on top of her to get her pregnant. I have always wondered why I was the spermatozoa that made it out of the millions or was it billions they said?

I also wondered why people said God has a plan and even if I were a mistake, according to God's big plan I am expected to believe that I wasn't. But clearly, I was. The way I saw it, only a dumb person would think a mishap or an 'oops!' isn't a mistake.

My dad's family thought a baby couldn't take care of another baby so they decided to take care of me. I didn't see my mother till I was 15; when she was Ill and was going to pass.

She passed 2 days after I saw her for the first time in 15 years. I went through so many emotions: anger, pain, joy, bliss, happy, bitter, disappointed and the list goes on. I was disappointed that she didn't make an effort to be involved in bringing me up. I was happy because she made sure she saw me before she passed. However, my mum was angry and happy. Happy to see me, but angry that I came and spoilt the good thing she had with my dad. She asked me to forgive her and I did and I also asked for her forgiveness even if I knew I shouldn't have apologised for her thoughtless act of getting pregnant as a teenager. 

When she passed, my dad thought it was time to stop living with his uncle and sent for me to join him and his family in England. I was going to live with people I had never met and a father I never knew. I knew he paid all my fees as my uncle had said but that's all I knew of him. 

I moved in with my new family and I was absolutely in love with my step siblings, the baby especially. My dad started becoming violent towards me -I reminded him too much of my mum. I don't know what it was about her that got him so angry but I know he hit me a lot, he would hit me like he was fighting with his friend. He didn't hesitate to tell me that his worse decision was bringing me over to England. I put my hands up, sometimes I did have a terrible attitude but I don't think that was inevitable because I was always reminded that it wasn't both their intention to have me.

Today, my dad hit me again and I write from the hospital bed; where I am being treated for a head injury. The police just got a statement from me (no I didn't call them, the neighbours did ). They want me to press charges but I don't know if I should. It is the right thing to do but he has 3 other children who he loves dearly and a beautiful wife who calms him down when he hits me. They keep asking if I need to see someone who would advise me. I want him to pay for this by doing time but what would you think about me ?