
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Half Year Report

Hey Hey... Hope your week so far has been good? ...or better still, great! I remember the new year like it was only yesterday; my birthday like it was only two seconds ago and I mean that literally. Point is, the year 2012 is going by sooo fast, clocks always ticking; waiting for no one! 
I'm quite aware that while a number of people made new year resolutions, some did not (some just like myself). I also remember putting up a post about 'resolutions' and 'realizing your dreams' in 2012. Well... it's half of the year already and I took sometime out to reflect and appraise myself on the things I set for myself to do in 2012. Believe me, I still have a lot to do! I've completed a few and although the list staring me in the face looks astonishingly unending; I still have 6 months of time and I hope to use it more effectively than I had done in the previous half. 

The main goal for me this year was and is to be a better person on the overall by the end of the year. I dare say it's been the toughest part so far because the more I strive to be better, the more I realise there's still a lot to be accomplished. But not to worry, habits aren't broken in a day neither can sustainable change happen overnight. I am indeed pleased with myself so far... enough to pat myself on the back. 

I have learnt to be patient (and still learning... because patience is one of those attributes you need to constantly practice being that the world is full of angry, broken and insensitive people). I would never have thought myself to be the impatient type but it's the same thing the thief said before he was thrown a Unlike any other, my unique test was work! A typical day for me is labelled 'rush hour 6.' I mean..., as soon as I step out the front door I have many reasons to be in a haste, I walk so fast one would think I were late for a meeting, I run up the escalators at stations and often wonder why people with long legs drag their feet like they have no where to go. It was a process fast becoming a habit and I really had to learn how to take a deep breath and take things in strides. I'm not quite spot on yet but in comparison to last year, I have most certainly made some reasonable improvement (Well done Ebony!!). 

Someone once told me that "growing up is a trap!" As a matter of fact, it is. Nobody told me that life gets more challenging when you start working; I would have easily done a P.hd after my post graduate degree had I known *smiles*. If you are still studying, stay there for as long as you can (or better still, enjoy it while it lasts).  I have come to learn how to tolerate all sort of things. I have learnt to tolerate my colleagues, manage my managers and even smile with the customers who are perceived as incapable of doing wrong. I am proud to say that I have never gotten into verbal or any other form of combat with a customer, colleague or manager. 

In the face of betrayal, I have learnt to trust God more. It's not been an easy task but it is at such times that I have come to realize that God is indeed infallible and dependable. Sometime as humans we expect so much from people and when we don't get it we feel betrayed, used, manipulated *insert a word* However we are all humans and with our imperfections come the inevitable erring. Expectations should be high enough to culture growth but at the same time, we ought to be gentle while correcting and swift in forgiving. Always remember that you can't please everyone and not everybody will like you. If everybody does, then something is wrong and I suggest you find one enemy to keep you on the alert. 

I have been reading a lot this year as well. A list of the books include:
Half of a yellow sun (amazeballs)Grand Canyon (boring.comThe Alchemist ( I really want to go on a date with Paulo Coelho and I mean that)Eleven Minutes ( my favourite book of Paulo Coelho..although I haven't read all his books )By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept ( Paulo Coelho rocks no joke) Convicted not Condemned ( brilliant )

I am at the moment reading a 2-part series called "the Negotiator and the Guardian" ...and I have also just got a book called "Love, Freedom and Aloneness".

So many things to update you on but I can't type it all. Life is too short, try not to leave the important words unsaid and also remember to fight for your dreams, they'll in turn fight for you too. Enjoy the rest of the week. And I love my new template 

Wednesday 20 June 2012

A Minute Too Long

Hellloooo... I cannot apologise enough for not blogging in a while. Just as I was getting better, I slipped up again. I would have done the usual that is; blogged on my phone without sharing, but I can safely announce that I haven't even as much as typed anything since the last time. 

This has been the busiest month at work, but I remain so thankful for such an opportunity and to think that I could never have imagined myself doing what I do.

However, work is the main reason why I haven't written anything. For real, I have no social life cos all I want to do in the weekend is SLEEEEEEPPPP. 

So here's a little note apologising for not writing; it's a big part of my life and I should take it as serious as I take sleep (one of my other I've been writing for the longest of time and I most certainly would only get better by writing some more.

Happy Birthday Adebukola words cannot describe how much I love you, God bless your beautiful heart. 

Monday 4 June 2012

Black Sunday: June 3rd 2012

I am sure most people are aware of the bombing in the church at Bauchi (Nigeria) that killed 12 yesterday, the cargo plane crash in Accra (Ghana), and the Dana flight that crashed into a residential area in Lagos (Nigeria). A number of my non-Nigerian friends asked why a lot of people had the candle light as their display pictures and personal messages. It was indeed a black sunday as some people called it; so so sad because as much as some of us might not know anyone that died in the crash and bombing directly/personally; we are all still connected in a way -let's face it! We somehow, know someone who knows someone who knew someone who was a victim.  

I was having a conversation with my cousins and later on a friend. We spoke about both incidents and on how ludicrous and sad it is that most airlines that fly locally in Nigeria purchase second-hand airplanes. To be honest, this was merely a generalisation, because we have heard of similar being done in the past. However, the images shown last night on CNN only made it easier to think that way (that plane looked old). No word of a lie, I played the blame game. If we had a government that wasn't so selfish; if we had a government that didn't have their head up their a***s, then surely that plane crash could have been avoidable. I mean, in a country where security is a number one concern; where you go to church and you have to pray that your church is not the next to go up in flames.... all Mr.President can do is to wake up one Tuesday morning to declare a name change for several universities. Misplaced priorities dont you think? -you can't help but point fingers at first. 

Further thought on this, all I could do was ponder... "are WE any different from the so called government that I had earlier blamed?" This thought was fuelled by the number of social media messages I had seen. One of which pointed out that the same plane had been used twice but landed only by the grace of God (not going into details). Without mincing words, it is quite obvious that the average Nigerian is selfish. It is easy to blame our corruptible government by asking questions like why are written off planes allowed to leave the runways?!? *Recounting all other incidences of past mayhem*. 

It is clear and fair to say that someone (an individual) must have approved the buying of the aircraft and probably made some cash off it as well? Someone used that faulty plane some weeks ago, and probably thanked God they landed safe, gave a testimony wherever and carried on with life without as much as bothering to inform the necessary authorities, or potential future passengers of the state of the aircraft.

All I am saying is: 'as Nigerians we need to look out for each other'. For once, care about the next person not being overly concerned about whether or not they are our families, friends or tribesmen. We keep blaming the government, but the government is 'Nigerian' if that makes sense - It's a selfish individual like you and me. When last have you been willing to help another? Or know the consequences of something but decide to make that your own testimony and not another's? We sometimes fail each other without realising that it's because of our selfish intents. We need to know that change would not come to the government if the individual refuses change. It is not a lot to ask for because truly, we are the Nigerian government; we need to be accountable as well. 

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims, may God console and comfort you on every side. May all victims rest in God's peace