
Sunday 18 March 2012

Happy Mother's Day

'Happy Mother's day' Mummy... Words fail me: I cant even begin to express my love for this woman or how much I love her but she is an absolutely amazing woman and she rocks. Growing up, I didn't quite understand her strengths but I've come to realise how strong and beautiful she really is.

She is a rare breed and even if I had as many tongues as I had strands of hair on my head, it still wouldn't be enough in thanking God for making me hers. Some people say their moms are their best friends, I wouldn't say the same. The term 'good friend' would be more appropriate cos she never hesitates to remind me she is the 'mother' in the friendship :)... She reads my blog sometimes -so mummy if u see this, I love you. No matter how much she screams, rants and raves (with good reason) she still gives the best advices and never fails to protect. 

A few of her popular sayings include: " Don't compare yourself with other people' 'Don't use other people's achievement as a benchmark for urself', and the most importantly 'Always put God first'. She's very wise isn't it? :) 

The world is a more beautiful place with her in it and the love she consistently gives make all the difference.

I love her so much and I pray God grants her heart desires and more.  


  1. awwwh... this is very beautiful, sweet and thoughtful. Having a child like you i'm sure has been one of her greatest achievements :)
    a Happy mothers' day to your mum... (i'm off to wish my mum the very
